Rafael Nadal Painting - When Selling My Original Art is Bittersweet
Over the years, I’ve been told that my paintings have a way of drawing the viewer in. Whether it’s a portrait of a cultural icon, a sports legend, or a deeply personal commission, my work is known for capturing energy, emotion, and those intangible moments that tell a story. One piece that has recently stood out to me for its raw emotion and intensity is my Rafael Nadal painting. I painted Rafa with the goal being to capture the fire, the grit, and the passion that Nadal brings to the game—everything that makes him one of the greatest competitors of all time. I wanted viewers to feel that energy, to see not just an athlete but a fighter who leaves everything on the court.
To that end, I was both thrilled and a little sad when a new collector reached out to me to purchase my Rafa painting for his wife as a birthday present. He found the painting online and messaged me to say how much the colorful painting resonated with him and then mentioned that he would be buying it for his wife’s birthday. Part of me wanted to say “Just kidding, Ryan. It’s not for sale, I’m keeping this one.”, but of course, that’s no way to live as a professional artist.
Below is a link to the video Ryan shared: https://youtube.com/shorts/AJUYvUdUnBg?feature=shared
Ryan gave his wife the Rafa painting for her birthday, and was kind enough to send me the video below, along with the review he wrote on my Google Business page: “I'm so thankful that Kyle makes his awesome art available to all of us. Kyle captures the essence of his subjects with his own inspiring flair. Thanks Kyle!”
It’s moments like this that remind me why I do what I do. I create art to tell stories, but sometimes the best stories aren’t mine—they belong to the people who take these pieces home and make them their own.
Selling Rafa was a little bittersweet, but knowing it’s now a part of Ryan and his wife’s story makes me so happy as an artist.
Below is a link to shop the prints of my Rafael Nadal painting. I don’t like to play favorites, but if I did, Rafa would be up there.
To shop prints of this painting, visit the link below: