Jackie, James, and Polo
January was probably the most exciting, action-packed month of my professional art career! Riding the wave of momentum from the release of “A Swan in Palm Beach,” I sold my earliest painting of Jackie Kennedy at the opening of my group exhibition The New & The Known. “Jackie in Palm Beach” had been shown a handful of times in the past two years, and I am thrilled it is going to the loving home of new collectors of mine.
The opening also marked the debut of “Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.” It garnered a lot of attention, which I like to think is due to the British flag spot varnish and black glitter on his tuxedo lapels, and not Pierce’s striking good looks. The background is a pattern of Aston Martin DB5s, which the actor is driving the first time he appears as James Bond. This original is still available, in case you are in the market for a secret agent.
I finished out the month by painting live at a gala for The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis at the National Polo Center in Wellington, FL. As guests watched dressage, jumping, and polo, I put the finishing touches on a 48” original painting for the live auction. In addition to raising money for a good cause, it was exciting to have my work in front of honorary chairs Dawn and Tommy Lee Jones, Senator Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann.
February is shaping up to be another busy month, and I can’t wait to share updates with you in a few weeks.
As always, thank you for your support,