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Jimmy Buffett, the Storyteller *Original*

Title: Jimmy Buffett, the Storyteller
Size: 36x30 in. (91x76 cm.)
Year: 2024
Location: West Palm Beach, FL, USA
Medium: Acrylic and laser toner on canvas

Kyle Lucks grew up listening to Jimmy Buffett, thanks to his Parrothead parents. Instead of celebrating his commercial success, this work honors Jimmy’s career as a poet and master storyteller. The Palm Beach resident made everyone feel like they were in paradise.

The background references Jimmy’s days as a young musician in Mobile, AL, a nautical chart of Key West, and handwritten song lyrics. The parrot over his heart symbolizes his love for performing to millions of adoring fans around the world. And, the spot varnish is from one of his favorite songs he wrote, Twelve Volt Man.

Portrait painting of singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett playing an orange guitar, wearing a yellow t-shirt and singing into a microphone. Images of Jimmy's handwritten song lyrics in the background.
Jimmy Buffett, the Storyteller *Original* Sale price$7,500.00